应我校地球科学与资源学院邱昆峰教授和珠宝学院张良副教授邀请,Murat Taner Tamer副研究员将为我校师生作《Methodology and application of dating techniques in geology》系列学术报告。 Murat Taner Tamer(童莫)简介:副研究员,博士。2019年于美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校获博士学位,2021年从该校博士后出站后入选外国高端人才(A类)项目;澳大利亚墨尔本大学研究员;曾获第15届国际热年代学会议最佳报告奖、比利时根特大学Erasmus学者奖等;其长期从事裂变径迹测年等低温热年代学方法开发及其地质应用,致力于推进国际不同实验室裂变径迹测试结果重现性检验工作,在磷灰石裂变径迹蚀刻模型及标准方案建立、磷灰石裂变径迹退火机制研究等方面取得重要进展;在《Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems》、《American Mineralogist》与《Chemical Geology》等期刊发表系列论文。 报告具体内容安排如下: [url=]序号[/url] | | | | | | | | | | |
Why are we interested in geology?
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New perspectives in integrating
thermochronology with geology
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Cycles of rocks and minerals
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Thermochronological constrains on the processes of formation and exhumation of the Jiaodong gold deposits, eastern China
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Principles of structural geology
Gilby Jepson
(Uni Oklahoma)
The relationship among climate, tectonics, and erosion
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Principles of radiometric dating methods
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Seismicity recorded in hematite fault mirrors in the Rio Grande rift
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Carolin Aslanian
(Tech. Uni. BAF)
Etching of fission tracks in apatite
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Birk Haertel
(Uni Calgary)
Zircon Raman thermochronology and Age-eU
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Low-temperature thermochronology of island arcs: Case studies in the Japanese Islands
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Basic principles and geological application of detrital zircon U-Pb method
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Barry Kohn
(Uni Melbourne)
Why study Geoscience: Its future role and importance in the 21st century
地球科学与资源学院 珠宝学院 国际合作与交流处 研究生院 科技处 2022年10月25日