应我校地球科学与资源学院侯通教授邀请,德国美因茨大学Roman Bocharnikov教授将在线上为我校师生做关于《Magmatic systems in the light of experimental petrology and geochemistry》、《Experimental and analytical constraints on high-T ore-forming processes》的系列学术讲座。
日期 | | | Magmatic systems in the light of experimental petrology and geochemistry | | | Introduction to magmatic systems | | | Introduction to experimental methods | | | Melting in the mantle and crust | | | Magma differentiation and evolution | | | Minerals and inclusions in minerals: Proxies for magmatic processes | Experimental and analytical constraints on high-T ore-forming processes | | | Experimental approaches for ore-forming processes | | | Sulfide systems and behavior of Highly Siderophile Elements | | | Mineralization at magmatic-hydrothermal transition |
地点:腾讯会议 60843618394(密码:2022)
Roman Bocharnikov教授简介:德国美因茨大学教授,现任美因茨地球科学研究所副所长,德国矿物学协会岩石学岩石物理科主任。研究领域包括岩浆成因与演化(地幔和地壳中的岩浆作用)、火山系统、实验岩石学与地球化学等。已在 Journal of Petrology、Nature Communications、American Mineralogist、 Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology等国际主流期刊发表论文100多篇。
地球科学与资源学院 国际合作与交流处 研究生院 科技处